Thursday, June 27, 2019

Mirror Lake Trail

Day 4 

By: J. Del Valle

Where art thou’ fisherman?

This morning was a bit different for me, I needed to find a fisherman to interview for my feature story. Which started off pretty complicated because I kept getting dead ends. But luckily a host at lower pines campgrounds gave me a lead and said I can find fisherman at Mirror Lake which was about 2.5 miles from my camp site. In tow with me was my professor and graduate assistant Tony we were all excited to get the day started and on our walk we got to talk just about everything from upbringings, family and education. It was nice to get to know my professor and graduate assistant on a personal level. While on our walk to the lake I accidentally routed us in the wrong direction, which put us behind 20 mins-it was honest mistake. After reaching our destination all three of us were in awe once we came across Mirror Lake and embraced the beauty that was right in front of us. But yet again I reached another dead end and did not find one fisherman in sight. Trying to think of another angle for my story my professor was kind enough to help me out and give me some ideas to considered. Once we made it back to our campsite I started on my venture for my feature story It was the start of a long day for me. After the day was done I was able to get three interviews, a good amount of  pictures and b-roll for both my mobile storytelling and feature writing class. My day ended on a good note.

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