Jessica Del Valle

Photo by: Bailey Brown
Jessica Del Valle 
Journalism senior at Texas State University
Hometown: South Side of San Antonio

Advocating for Women Empowerment 

Jessica Del Valle is already an experienced journalist, now she is ready to take her talents towards a career in Sports Journalism. She fell in love with sports when she was 8-years-old as soon as her mother had her join a cheerleading squad. Soon she started playing basketball and her love for sports grew with pride. 
She aspires to become a sports journalist for the women’s Olympic or major league basketball teams. With her minor in Political Communications she could also pursue a career in a local D.C. office. She currently works as an MRI technician’s assistant at Baptist Health System and has for the last six years. She enjoys going on hikes with her boyfriend Alex and their dogs, Kiya and Louie. As a 

29-year-old woman who was born in Houston, but raised on the South Side of San Antonio, Del Valle continues to carry on the fight to highlight women empowerment and acknowledge those who paved the way for her in their footsteps. 

-By Bailey Brown

Favorite road trip: Visiting Las Maples State Park with Alex

Camping Experience: At nine-years-old her grandparents took her and her two siblings camping on Corpus Christi Beach.

What Del Valle is looking forward to in Yosemite: “Everything! From seeing Half-Dome and potential rock climbers! The Sequoia Trees! The wildlife! I want to see it all!” 
- Jessica Del Valle 

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