Allison Jones

                                              Photo by Kyndal Goen

Allison Jones
Public Relations and Mass Communication
Texas State University
Hometown: San Jose, CA

California born, Texas raised

As a student of Journalism and Mass Communication at Texas State University, Allison Jones loves working with people and telling stories. The 21-year-old senior is majoring in Public Relations with a minor in Sociology. Originally born in California, Allison moved to Austin, TX when she was young, but returned to the Golden State again for high school. Her decision to return south and attend Texas State was rooted in her friendship and love for her two older brothers, who attended the university. During her time in school, she has also completed an internship with Dale Blasingame at Leadhub.

Although her hometown of San Jose is about an hour drive from Yosemite National Park, Allison has never been, but is thrilled for the opportunity to learn outdoors while also gaining quality camping experience. Allison looks forward to seeing California like she never has before.

By Kyndal Goen

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