Thursday, June 27, 2019

On top of the Mountain: Day Five

Day Five

On top of the Mountain

By: Audrey Garcia

Steps Traveled: 20,369

Fun fact: There’s a YARTS bus that will shuttle you back to the Fresno International Airport for only $15.

Sam, Jake and I on top of Glacier Point

Thursday was my last day in Yosemite. I was leaving early to make it to my younger brother’s wedding, and though it was hard to leave the park, I was ready to see my family. I tried to use the shuttle buses as little as possible this day, as I wanted to take in as much of the sights as possible before my 5:45 p.m. bus to the airport.

I started my day by meeting up with Sam, Jake and Dale at 7:00 a.m. to head to Glacier Point, about an hour and a half away from our camp. Glacier Point is the highest overlook in Yosemite at an elevation of 7,214 feet and is located on the south wall of Yosemite Valley. We were all excited to go to Glacier Point, and once we arrived we realized that we never wanted to leave the valley. The scene from the top of Glacier Point was breathtaking. You could see the seven mile stretch of the valley and every other major site that Yosemite has to offer. I was able to snap a pic of Dale and Sam replicating an old photo of President Theodore Roosevelt and founder of Yosemite, John Muir. Dale was John Muir of course. After some great photo opts, we took off on hour drive back to camp… where we couldn’t find any parking.
Sequoia treetops 

Walking All the Way Home

We had to park pretty far from base camp and decided to walk back in order to see Lower Yosemite Falls and some other great sites. The falls was so much fun. It was nice to get splashed by crisp water after a long walk. We also took this opportunity to get more b-roll for our final day in Yosemite. Jake led us to the Ahwahnee Hotel, where there were more Sequoias planted in the back acreage by some abandoned tennis courts.

Those last moments by the Sequoias were peaceful and fun and a wonderful lasting impression of Yosemite National Park. I can not wait to return. 

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