Bailey Brown

Bailey Brown 
Journalism senior at Texas State University
Hometown: New Braunfels

Country girl ready to take on Yosemite

When Bailey Brown is not at school she is a Sunday school teacher at her local catholic church. Her schedule does keep her busy as full-time student and working at James Avery, which she hopes to get an opportunity after she graduates to work on the company's catalog team. If that opportunity does not arise, she plans on being a journalist for a publication that seeks truth and is newsworthy. As an only child, Brown has a tight-knit bond with her parents, she helps her father with the livestock they have on their 13 arce property in New Braunfels. Country girl at heart, Brown raised nine pigs in 2017, and also looks after two horses names Ruby and Masquerade; and bichonfrise named Pearl. She is very excited to learn and take in the beautiful views Yosemite National Park has to offer. 

Favorite place to visit: Colorado
Camping experience: When I was 13 or 14 my dad took my mother and I to go see NASCAR in Austin and we camped in the RV-which I call "glamping." 
What you're are looking forward to during the trip: To get away from home and to see wildlife such as bears-but from afar. 
J. Del Valle 

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