Thursday, June 27, 2019

Adjusted to California time

Day 3

By: J. Del Valle

5 a.m. in Cali, but 7 a.m. in Texas
Woke up at 5 a.m. which seemed very easy to do and I walked over to The Meadows with Audrey, Mike and Sam in hopes to find a bear-but no luck- but it was nice to be up and watch the sun rise on Half Dome. It was a beautiful view and peaceful, after that I headed back to the camp site and started to get ready for the day.

J. Del Valle posing by sequoia tree by: Kamryn Allen
 Mariposa Sequoia Trees Our group headed to Mariposa to visit the beautiful sequoia trees, I got to ride with Jessica, Tony and Sam it was a great ride to Mariposa. The drive was about an hour and the sights there were amazing but also scary with the elevation getting higher. Felt like we were driving towards the sky, once we started to get closer I noticed the trees getting thicker and the height sprouted into the sky. It looked like a scene from the Chronicles of Narnia. Couldn’t believe what I was looking at it was amazing I can only say so much on text, it can only be experienced in person.

Ask a climber
After our morning at Mariposa we drove back to the camp site and continued on with our daily assignments. I was able to attend the “Ask a Climber” session that was being held at El Captain bridge which is considered rock climber’s paradise for some of the elite climbers in America, possibly the world as well. I was fortunate to interview an experienced women rock climber that has been living at Yosemite since 2011. Meeting Rebecca and hearing her story on how she started rock climbing made my day. It’s always fascinating to hear about people’s background she made the interaction very smooth and enjoyable.

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