Sunday, June 23, 2019

Travelogue day 4

By Samuel Turner

Day 4

Photo By Samuel Turner
Today was a lot slower paced than the previous days of the trip. The exhaustion of the week had finally set in and I just spent most of the day sitting around and soaking in the incredible views of the valley. While I was eating a snack and enjoying the views, a gorgeous bird with black feathers on its back and red feathers on its chest landed at my feet and sat there with me for a few minutes. Around mid-day several of the Study in America students took a nature journaling class led by Lora Spielman from the Yosemite Conservancy. In the class we learned to slow down every once in a while and notice the minuscule details and intricacies of all the wildlife we were surrounded by. As a part of the class we sketched some of the plants we noticed and filled them in with water colors and notes about what we observed. Overall, I got the rest that I desperately needed in order to enjoy our last day in the park.

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