Sunday, June 23, 2019

Travelogue Day 3

By Samuel Turner

Day 3

Photo by Samuel Turner
This morning Audrey, Mike, Jaydee and I woke up at 5 a.m. to go and look for some bears in the meadow by our campsite. Unfortunately all we ended up seeing were a few deer and a field mouse. We stayed out in the meadow for a few hours to see the sunrise in the valley. At around 7:30 a.m. we met up with the rest of the Study in America group to make the hour and a half drive up to Mariposa Grove, the home of the Sequoia trees. These trees seemed to be something straight out of a fairytale due to their unimaginable height. The highlight of the grove was the massive tree fittingly named "Grizzly Giant". Its branches were as big as some of the other trees in the area. After the grove Audrey and I spent the rest of the day in Yosemite Village gathering interviews from the parks sign-language interpreter and a doctor. All in all it was a very eventful and busy day.

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