Sunday, June 23, 2019

Day 4: Nature Journaling

Water Color the Small Things

By: Bailey Brown

Steps Traveled: 10, 918

Pictures Painted: 2

Fun Fact: The beauty of Yosemite National Park in the beginning was captured through paintings and drawings, nature journaling is a way to keep that process alive.

Photos by: Bailey Brown
The Small Makes the Big Look Big

Leading up to the nature journaling class, it was expected we would be writing and documenting what we were to see in nature. However, it was the exact opposite, we were going to draw. Our art center coordinator, Ms. Lora Spielman, started the class with asking us to find a small leaf or plant to draw. Then she wanted us to write questions or comments about what we were drawing. The smallest plant around looked like a fuzzy pillow on top of a skinny green rod. My drawing looked somewhat similar and it was fun to do.

Photos by: Bailey Brown

Enjoying  the Peace and Quiet

Following along, Ms. Speilman asked us to find a piece of bark to draw and again do the same process. Searching for the perfect peice, there lied a piece of bark that had a tiny orange flower under a corner of the chunk of bark. It was a bright orange and changed all the contrasting colors in the bark. After our sketches were finished we went to water color them. Everyone seemed to be out of their comfort zone and enjoyed the coloring. It was quiet and peaceful, the only noise around was the silence.

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