Monday, June 17, 2019

Days 1 - 2: Ain’t no mountain high enough!

This doesn't look like Texas!
Photo by Michael Garcia
Days: 1-2

Steps Taken: 26,368

Miles Traveled: 1,663

Location: Yosemite National Park

Fun Fact: First class has a see through curtain so you can see how poor you really are.

He Will Go All The Way!
After a long journey, the gang arrive to Yosemite.The day started at 2 AM for me. I like to wait till the last minute to clean up before a trip. Sam picked me up around 5 AM. We made it to the airport with no problem. That didn't make Dale feel anymore calm. Organizing a trip like this can be stressful, and he sure showed how stressed he was. While on the plane I noticed that first class had a see through curtain, where my mind didn't have to wonder about what it's like on the other side. I always thought that first cla
ss would have people eating steaks and smoking cigars, where the cigar smoke would travel to the closest poor person's face. I watch too many movies. We landed in Fresno around noon. Other than Yosemite, Fresno can be know for it's gang activity. We then loaded up in a van and sat for 2 more hours till we arrived in paradise. We were 13 deep in one van, while JJ (which is what I call Professor James) Sam, and Tony loaded into an SUV. We stopped for food and were on our way.
The Gang gets lost
We continued to stay up for 17 hours the rest of the day. But tiredness didn’t stop Jake, Kendal and I from exploring the park. 45 minutes on a bus later, we ended up on the right track. 
We couldn’t make progress with the beauty that surrounded us. Jake couldn’t help but hug every tree that we passed, but that’s ok. That’s part of the experience. We didn’t come all the way to Yosemite to not take everything in. We found this one spot near Swinging Bridge where we took some nice photos of one another. The original plan was to find a beach. We were not successful. But, we weren't really trying to succeed in the first place. Getting lost in nature isn't necessarily a bad thing, especially with the waterfalls in Yosemite singing to us along the way. 
Settle down
It was nice waking up to this view every morning
Photo by Michael Garcia
We got the true experience of being out in nature. When we discovered that we had no signal, we realized that this could prove to be an obstacle. It forced us to get to know each other. We stayed in Half Dome Village in what looked like bunkers. I roomed with Jake and Sam, who are fine lads. The greatest thing that the came out of the signal situation is getting to know these gentleman. I would say we had a successful first day.
In Kaleb We Trust
The name is Kaleb Goff
Photo by Michael Garcia
We started the second day bright and early. We got to pick Jessica’s head about journalism and how to get better at the trade. After a nice cup of chai latte in 47 degree weather, we met with Yosemite Conservancy Naturalist Kaleb Goff. Most workers you meet do not have the same passion that Goff had about Yosemite. Goff took us around the park and officially became my hero. Most would call him a nerd. But,  Kaleb was much more than that. He took us around the park and talked about how important the park is and what it means to him. You should leave no trace. That is one of the principles that stuck with me. We are constantly going through life trying to leave a footprint in this world. We never appreciate the moment and the moments that pass. I get too philosophical.

We are in for a long ride.

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