Monday, June 17, 2019

Day 2: First Hike in Yosemite

Hike with Kaleb Goff

By: Bailey Brown

Steps Traveled: 8,798

Hike time: 5 hours and 20 minutes

Work Produced: 25 photos and 5 videos

Fun Fact: When the Europeans traveled to the meadows in Yosemite they planted apple trees to produce alcohol. After they enjoyed their crab apple cocktails and time went on, the apples from the trees had to be removed because bears were climbing up the trees and creating chaos for travelers.

The Perfect Hiking Guide

Walking among the trees, hearing the chirping birds, and smelling the fresh air, is the only way to start the day in Yosemite National Park. With 2.7 miles ahead of us, we had a wonderful tour guide on our way around Half Dome Village. Mr. Kaleb Goff, a Yosemite Conservation Naturalist, greeted us with a smile and encouraging words. When asked about why he works in Yosemite, he gave a subtle yet direct response, "To save the world." This personal philosophy are words everyone should try to live by. His answers to our questions were honest and to the point. He never sounded boastful or judgmental. He gave us things to think about that stuck with us long after we finished the hike.

Kaleb Goff standing in front of a Sequoia Tree
Things to Think About 

Finally taking my last sip of water I had, the hike came to an end. Mr. Goff concluded with reading an excerpt from "The Hour of Land" by Terry Tempest Williams. He started the hike with the reminder that it is important to think about how to act in the park, the footprints we leave behind, and what we can take away from this experience and bring back home. The hike today wasn't about following a trail or trying not to get sunburned, it was about living in the moment. Mr. Goff had us close our eyes and just listen to the sounds around us, the swaying trees, the chirping birds, and the rushing water. Returning to camp and hearing all of the noise in the dining hall and around the cabins, was disheartening. However, it was comforting to know how to respect the quiet space and appreciate the silence among the trees.

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