Thursday, June 13, 2019

Day 1: Lockhart State Park

 America, Home of The Free

Day 1
Headline: America, Land of The Brave
Byline: Where do veterans go during retirement?
Steps traveled: 2,200
Time: 7 hours, 22 minutes
Work produced: 4 Instagram stories and 29 photos
Fun fact (Today I met four retired veterans at Lockhart State Park)
Where do retired veterans go after serving our country?
By: Kamryn Allen
Miles Traveled: 22
State lines crossed: 0
Earliest rising: 5:55 a.m.
Fun fact: I drove from Marble Falls this morning to drive to Texas State University to carpool to  Lockhart state park.
America is home to 18.2 million veterans. This silent majority lives quietly among us. Today with clear eyes and bright hearts the class traveled to Lockhart State Park. To my surprise, this park was full of retired veterans seeking to escape reality. Today, I learned many things about life, love and the pursuit of adventure.
Thank you for your service!
Lockhart State Park looks like a park that would be in your favorite Disney movie. It is quite quaint with a hint of flair. Its originality comes from the fact that its humble beginnings developed during the Great Depression. Park rangers greeted us with large smiles and friendly anecdotes. Soon we off on our own; adventuring out into the wilderness. The first thing I noticed once I arrived at the RV campgrounds at Lockhart State Park where the abundance of American flags. This was my first clue that the RV campers at Lockhart might, in fact, be veterans.
My shocking discovery at Lockhart State Park
Diana Hodet was the first lady I interviewed, she and her husband both retired from the military four years ago. She says after serving in the military “traveling brings her peace.” The army allows those who serve to find different places to stay in. Although Diana Hodet was my first interviewee I realized a shocking coincidence in everyone I interviewed. They were all retired veterans.  Lockhart State Park provides a place for everyone, especially retired veterans to escape the chaos of life and re-discover themselves in serenity. Diana and her husband spend their lives traveling to parks after serving. This trend is due to an organization called SMART RVing, which works to connect retired veterans to travel and find peace.
Gerry Foye who I interviewed was also a retired veteran. Gerry spoke with us for twenty minutes. Although he spoke for a while, not one minute went in vain.  Gerry spoke with unspeakable wisdom and explained that many veterans explore State parks because “they earned the right to relax and get away from the hustle and bustle. There is also poor wifi, which allows us veterans to escape technology.” I was unaware of a large number of retired veterans that live among us. Gerry was excited to be asked about his service, veterans should receive more appreciation, and Lockhart State Park has worked to give retired veterans a safe haven.

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