Saturday, June 22, 2019

Day 3

Day 3:
Is this what Heaven smells like?
A graceful day
Work produced: 39 videos and 200 photos
Fun fact (This park reminded me of a dream I had when I was ten)
Home of Dreams
By Kamryn Allen
Earliest rising: 6 a.m.
Fun fact: I met three backpackers today.

The sun beams as we walk into the park.  Photo By Kamryn Allen

Home of Large Sequoias

At 9:26 AM we arrived at Mariposa  Grove of Giant Sequoias.
One word- pine sol. This grove smelled like a giant
can of pine sol;
which is also one of the best scents in the world.
As I walked around the park with Jessica and Ashley the
rocks crushed beneath our feet, quickly as the other
hundreds of feet passed us at this busy park.

  This park was the hub of b-roll. 250 feet trees surrounded
us and unique benches allowed the perfect area to capture
the flair of this area.
   After capturing b-roll at this park; we returned back to half
dome. As soon as we arrived to half dome a group of us went
to Yosemite village. Ashley and I went to the information desk
and to our surprise the lady I had met on the first day, Katrina
was standing next to me! My muse for my backpacking story
I had met on a crowded bus on the first day found me at a
massive park. I felt extremely blessed to run into her again.
At this moment Dale approaches and helps me get my gear
together for the interview! The forecast shows it is about to
rain and the clouds are dark.
  The first interview
   As the first interview starts, the phone stops recording
because Jessica’s storage is full. We transfer phones and
use mine, which has storage, but no iPhone dongle adapter.
Katrina’s interview was everything I had hoped for and more.
Not only was Katrina strong, but she also backpacks all year!

 Meeting The King of Trails
  For dinner Dale, Ashley, Allison, Kaylee and I all ate pizza.
At dinner, a hiker asked to sit with us. King was his name and
hiking was his game! King was hiking from Mexico to Canada
all by himself. Soon King let me interview him! Again, I felt so
blessed to have God send another hiker to me!      

Amazing Day

This day was full and my heartfelt extremely relieved to have
accomplished so much at such a young age. This trip allowed
me to learn that I can do hard things and in order to be successful
you have to step out of your comfort zone.

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