Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Day 3: It's Getting Real

Day 3

It's Getting Real

by: Kaylee Smith

Best Snack of the Day: Peanut Butter and Jelly
Miles Walked: 9 miles

Me in front of one of the largest sequoia trees in
Mariposa Grove. 
It is officially our third day in Yosemite national park. Today we were given the full day to work on material for both Feature Writing and Mobile Story Telling. The day started with our alarm going off at 6 a.m. in order for us to be on the bus and on our way to Mariposa Grove by 7:30 a.m. - yikes. After a few "I'm tired" complaints, my bedmate, Allison Jones quickly brought me back down to reality by reminding me that our 6 a.m. wake up was 8 a.m. Texas time.

Luckily, the combined drive to and from Mariposa Grove was around three hours there and back. We have quickly learned that on this trip, drive time equals nap time. After getting in two good naps and seeing some of the most beautiful trees this earth has to offer, we arrived back at Half Dome village around 1 p.m. (just in time for lunch).

Allison and I satisfied our PB&J craving, put some caffeine in our bodies and set off for the latter half of the day. We both had the task of finding more interviewees and collecting as much B-roll as humanly possible.

To start the afternoon, we set out on the nature walk we had done with the Yosemite Conservancy the day before, but in reverse. We quickly discovered that trying to do something in reverse that you have only done once before is much more challenging than it may seem.

Along with the stress of turning down several wrong paths and not having a map, we had yet to accomplish any of the daily goals we had set for ourselves. However, we decided to make the most of the situation and strike up a conversation with the other park visitors.

On the trail to Happy Isles, I had the opportunity to interview a local anchor for the BBC. Her professional experience was astounding and she was thrilled to see that we were pursuing a career in mass communication.

Although at times, today was exhausting and stressful we learned the importance of making the best out of a
situation. Instead of focusing solely on the stress of being lost on the trails of Yosemite, by being open I was able to meet and interview one of the most amazing subjects I have talked to thus far.

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