Friday, June 28, 2019

Art Center Experiences

Art Center Experiences

It's not just for the kids

By Gabriella Molina

Steps Taken: 21, 885

Today's planned activity was nature journaling. Before the nature journaling began, my goal was getting some usable b-roll for my new mini-documentary topic: why families visit Yosemite. I began going around talking to parents in the art center and their children. The art center was a very interesting place. A few of the parents liked the fact that it was a nice air conditioned building, which offered a spot where parents and children could cool off after hiking. After doing an interview, I joined the rest of our class for our nature journaling. This activity was directed by the art center coordinator Lora Spielman. Lora did a great job conducting the nature journaling. I chose a little green stem that was sticking up from the ground. I liked how small, yet intricate it was and the bright green color of it stuck out to me the most. After looking closely, I could see that the small green leaves poking from the stem had very tiny brownish yellow spots on the ends. All of these little details I paid very close attention to after hearing Lora explain important it is to pick up on the details when it comes to nature journaling. 
My favorite part of the nature journaling would have to be finally painting our sketches. Lora showed us how to use our brush to create different looks depending on whether we paint on dry paper or if we get it wet first. Using both techniques, I developed different looks to decorate around my painted sketch. 
Overall nature journaling was something I throughly enjoyed. It was nice to focus on something so small that I think gets often overlooked in an everyday setting. Being in Yosemite has made me more aware of the nature around me, and hearing Lora describe the different things that there are to pay attention to has helped it become more of habit. Being more aware is something that I plan on taking with me when I go back home. 

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